Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Oriental Potato Salad

Necessity is indeed the mother of invention!

This weekend I craved potato salad. So I went grocery shopping: bought potatoes, eggs, onions, mayonnaise, but NO mustard. Mustard was not to be found! I went to another store, NO mustard! What is it? The Chinese do not know about mustard? I panicked! No mustard - no potato salad!

I tried to calm down. think, think, think…what can I substitute for mustard? And then, an epiphany! WASABI - yes, that pungent, green “mustard” that the Japanese use for sushi!

I rush home. Boil the potatoes and the eggs, chop the onion and then in a separate bowl, add 1 cup of mayonnaise, squeeze out about 3″ of wasabi (wasabi comes in a tube like toothpaste). I start mixing the mayonnaise and wasabi. Taste - not bad, but I want a little more spicy - add a little more wasabi. Stir, taste, wow, WOW! I then mix this all with the potatoes and other ingredients, let me tell you it was GREAT!

Mustard? Who needs mustard? I have wasabi!

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